Balance presenta un nuovo ciclo in remoto di Innovation Talks, gli incontri dedicati alle sfide del cambiamento e dell’innovazione, in collaborazione con i suoi clienti, partners e players del mercato.
Personalità italiane e internazionali di rilievo provenienti dal mondo dell’impresa, della ricerca e delle istituzioni parleranno di innovazione e sperimentazione per la ripartenza economica e sociale in un contesto completamente nuovo.
Le Innovation Talks hanno come obiettivo principale quello promuovere e diffondere la cultura dell’innovazione attraverso la promozione di una serie di manifestazioni mensili rivolte a tutte le risorse dell’azienda in modo da unire tutti per un’ora al mese e trovare uno spazio ispirazionale.
Le Talks presentano storie di successo tratte dal mondo imprenditoriale ed accademico, raccontate da testimonial che l’innovazione la realizzano nella loro realtà professionale.
Durante l’anno affronteremo diversi temi, quali: Artificial Intelligence, Energy Efficiency, Crypto Currencies, AgriTech e E-commerce.
Vuoi ascoltare le edizioni precedenti?
Le trovi qui:
- Edizione Dicembre 2020
**Not available**
- Edizione Gennaio 2021
*Energy Efficiency: How Technological Innovation is creating new opportunities with Jacopo Visetti* – clicca qui | Passcode di accesso: h.3So^C2
Chi è Jacopo Visetti. Jacopo works in the commodity and environmental markets, where he started and led the significant growth of AitherCO2.
He began his career in London working for hedge funds as macro strategy trader.
He is currently partner and CEO at AitherCO2 and lecturer at the Politecnico of Turin.
He graduated in Finance from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and in Macroeconomics from Harvard University.
Today, he is managing Efforce, the first blockchain based platform whose main goal is to meet the demand and supply of investments in energy efficiency which he co founded with Steve Wozniak.
- Edizione Febbraio 2021
*How Science and Startups can save the World with Enrico Deluchi* – clicca qui | Passcode di accesso: 8J8w7+S^
Enrico Deluchi, General Manager al PoliHub, l’innovation Park & Startup Accelerator del Politecnico di Milano ci racconta come la Scienza e il mondo delle Startups riescono a cambiare il mondo creando nuove opportunità e speranze per il futuro.
…Chi è Enrico Deluchi…After having dedicated the last few years to supporting the Italian innovation ecosystem as both angel investor and strategic advisor to existing businesses, I’ve joined Polihub with one mission in mind: creating the conditions to accelerate the birth of Deep Tech startups.
I reached this stage of my professional journey after having started as a young engineer in late 80’s designing and building data networks and then having continued working and surfing for more than 25 years in all the waves of the Internet industry. I have built a rich set of experiences while serving in large multinationals covering international roles in sales, marketing and general management, but also rolling up my sleeves as an entrepreneur in much smaller and leaner organisations.
An insatiable appetite for innovation, a genuine passion for business execution, and a natural inclination for leadership are the assets that supported me over the years to the most important insight of my life: i realised that I’m lively and fulfilled when I can help others in fully exploiting their potential and, together, make wonderful things happen.
My interests today are in: Challenges: sustainable growth, business and society evolution. Industries in transformation: finance, manufacturing, retail, energy, healthcare and wellbeing, education, agritech, social services…
Technologies: Cloud, cybersecurity, blockchain, IoT, Big Data and analytics, Artificial Intelligence…
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